Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Taking Requests - Kale

I've had a request to talk about some of my favorite Kale recipes.  Which means someone really is reading my blog and knows I love Kale!  Aren't we so lucky that Kale has such a long season?  It is hardy so you can plant it early, but then you can also plant it late summer and munch all fall!  Sometimes longer depending on where you live.

My sadness is there is no fresh Kale around me at the moment.  I mean Smith's has it, but it's pretty iffy and definitely not organic, so I'm going to have to resort to a review of yummy sounding recipes versus grabbing you with bright pictures.

Easy ideas:
  1. Don't forget to add handfuls of  chopped greens to any soup you make.
  2. Back in January, I posted this review of a Bacon and Butternut squash pasta with Kale.  But you say, it's not really butternut squash season.  Substitute what you have, such as zucchini or asparagus! 
  3. I know it's not really a recipe, but last June I posted about one of my favorite ways to use Kale, sauteing it with eggs for my lunch!  I just adore sauteing kale with any other veggies I have in the fridge and an egg.  If I feeling special I'll crumble a little feta on top!
  4. Of course, you can't miss out on the currently popular Kale chips.  There are many recipes for these crisp, salty chips, but here is one from Steamy Kitchen.
  5. Kale is good in a salad, it softens a bit, but doesn't wilt as quickly as other greens.
Next I'll share the kale recipes that are in my to try pile.  As I look at recipes I always make the assumptions that fresh beans or vegetables can be substituted for canned and meat can be subbed or left out.
  1. White Bean and Sausage Ragout with Tomatoes, Kale, and Zucchini from Cooking Light
  2. Barlotti Minestrone from Cooking Light
  3. Here's a great looking Roasted Potato and Kale Curry from 365 Days of Kale.
  4. I'm after pretty much every recipe on this list of 15 Kale recipes from Serious Eats.
  5. I'm also all over this list of Kale recipes from Martha Stewart, especially the Lemony Kale Salad and Kale Crostini with Parmesan.
All of this being said, what's my next Kale recipe to do this weekend?    A Kale and Leek Quiche.  No, I don't have a recipe to share as it's in my head right now, but doesn't it sound good?

In short, Kale can be treated like you would any green, such as Spinach, and basically I suggest putting it into everything!

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