Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Christmas 2010 Do-It-Yourself Presents

Everyone has received their presents, so it's time to share my do-it-yourself present of the year.  Well, all except one person - so act surprised when you get your gift! 

I made Rice Therapy Bags that can either be heated or kept in the freezer, depending on if your muscles or headaches like heat or cold more!  I read about a variety of fillers, such as flax seed and Bulgar, but plain rice seemed to work well.  If anyone ever has a problem with it smelling off, return and I will refill with fresh filler!

I made three different types of therapy bags.  Each piece had an inner rice bag made of muslin and filled with essential oil scented rice and an outside cover.  The neck bags and eye pillows have lavender scented rice for it's relaxing qualities.  I just filled a bowl with rice and added essential oils until I thought the scent was about right.  Below you can see the rice bag for the neck therapy bags, wrinkled because this was Joe's bag and it has already been used - by me!

 Next you can see the cover for the eye pillow.  See how each cover has a simple folded edge that makes it really easy to put the heated or cold bag in and take it out.  I made the covers with a soft flannel and a pretty brown corduroy.  This project started as a reuse project.  I was looking for ways to reuse old clothes that weren't really good enough to give away.  I had a long brown corduroy skirt with a hole in it that I used for these covers.  Can you just imagine putting the warm bag inside the cover and laying the soft warm flannel against your tired eyes after a day at the computer?

 I also made some with some soft green flannel.  This is the finished neck bag and also a square muscle therapy bag I made with muscle cooling mint essential oils.  It feels good on my knees and I made myself 2 of them!  I am finding these indispensable during ski season already!

 Below, you can see how I wrapped them pretty and put directions on them.  I took the idea for the bags and directions from the SewMamaSew blog, but she had her directions in a pdf and I needed to make changes so I redid them.

 I hope everyone enjoys their bags and they help your neck and other muscles to relax.  Finally, it is ski season so we will end with the requisite ski hill picture.  This was taken Dec 28th at Steamboat - it was a perfect day on the slopes.  More snow is on the way today!

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