Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Well I am feeling a bit pressed for time right now, so this will be short.  I can assure you that I have pictures to post but for now I will leave you with a rather unappetizing picture - I do apologize - and a quick note about a problem solved.  There are two things of which I never use a whole can: tomato paste and chipolte chilies.  The problem is they only last so long in the fridge and too often I end up throwing 1/2 a can away, not to mention I end up with red stained tupperware dishes! 

Well I finally got on the stick on Sunday and pulled the tomato paste and chipolte chilies out of the fridge.  I sprayed my handy ice cube tray with a little oil and divided them out into individual portions, about 1 T for the tomato paste and one chili per each cube.  I stuck them in the freezer and a few hours later went back out and popped them out and into separate baggies.  How great!  I've already used a chili this week in a soup, it was both easy to use just one and I must say it was easier to chop up the chili without making a total mess of my cutting board!

If, as I am, you are a little overwhelmed right now with work, the presents that need to get mailed soon, the Christmas letters that are written but still not printed out, and the increase in social activities (which are supposed to be fun!), the ski patrol cross I really must get sewed on my jacket, and more; I wish you a quite moment with a Tom and Jerry, or your favorite warm drink, in hand and the Christmas tree lights to gaze upon.

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